add student details 30referred me 20
referred me 20
install on your system 30
enable gh-pages on your fork 30
add django event platform 10
add gitignore 10
change background 20
general task 20
make your own personal page 10
add change in footer 20
add link 20
added issue 10
added issue 10
added issue 10
added preloader 20
change background 20
add referral 20
add referral 20
add referral 20
add issue 10
add issue 10
add 10 codechef problems 20
install django platform 30
create issue 10
create issue 10
last update 30
change color variations 30
create issue 10
create issue 10
add referral 20
add issue 10
added working openchat 10
added 10 hackerearth programs 20
add experience in opencode 30
add issue 10
add 10 codechef problems 20
update 10
clean the code 30
change the background via css 30
add issue 10
added participant part 30
added readme and fixed broken image 20
referral 20
referral 20
referral 20
made javascript game 30
add 10 codechef problems 20
Add humble fool in projects section 20refferal 20
Add A Facebook like bar (made an issue) 10
Loader 20
Make Navbar Sticky(made an issue) 10
Make Navbar Sticky 20
Make _includes folder; move header and footer to there 10
Install On Your System (django) 30
Move all relevant code to navbar.html 10
Add your name in the students section 30
Install on your system 30
Enable gh-pages 30
General tasks 20
referral 20
Make your own personal page- For Everyone 10
referral 20
add gitter chatbox(made an issue) 10
add close button for gitter chatbox(made an issue) 10
referral 20
referral 20
Add a Header to the page 20
Add about section 20
Merge Opencode website with opencodecollab website 10
referral 20
chat with us option not working when we are using the issues and projects page 30
Alignment correction in mobile view of scoreboard(made an issue) 10
added 35 Codebuddy and HackerEarth programs 60
remove programs that are repeated(created an issue) 10
make everything respsonsive(created an issue) 10
Dropdown is not going when chat with us is clicked(mobile view)(created an issue) 10
Add a countdown for opencode 10
Add Blog section 30
Write your experience in blog 30
Add background for blog section(created an issue) 10
fix dropdown in mobile view 30
changed navbar 30
referral 20
referral 20
referral 20
referral 20
added github fork me link 20
added javascript game 30
referral 20
Added profile to students. 30Reffer someone else.(vinit mankar refered me) 20
Install on your system. 30
Enable gh-pages on your fork. 30
Create more issues(issue 1) 10
Create more issues(issue 2) 10
General tasks 20
Add to projects(proxy man and cool practice programs) 10
Add trailer in website 10
Added event timeline. 20
Added events section. 20
Added topcoder as platform 10
Added FAQ section. 20
Create more issues.(issue 3) 10
Fix Footer. 10
Personal Page. 10
Added login page. 10
Added 10 codechef programs. 40
Added 7 codechef programs. 20
Added 3 codechef programs. 0
Added gitter chatbox. 20
Create an issue. 10
Create an issue. 10
Create an issue. 10
Added chatbox in event scorecard. 20
Added team page. 30
Added 15 codebuddy and 15 hackerearth programs. 0
Added referral 20
Added referral. 20
Added referral. 20
Added referral. 20
Added referral. 20
Added referral. 20
Added referral. 20
Added blog. 30
Installed Django Event Platform 30
Added referral 20
Added referral 20
Added referral 20
Added referral 20
Added referral 20
Installed Django event platform 30Added blog details 30
Installed opencodecollab in system 30
Referred rahulsunny 20
Added scoreboard.html 20
Move all relevant code to navbar.html (issue) 10
Created separate pages for projects and issues 10
Implemented separate issues for each project 30
Added fb like button 10
Modified README and added PR template 20
Added personal website to students.yml 10
Added repo names in issues section 10
Added project stars and forks 30
Open graph images 10
Added OG tags and data 20
Modified issues section 30
Implemented issues section 30
Discrepancy in students.yml 10
Corrected records in students.yml 10
Added flip cards to show all info 30
General tasks 20
Added sponsors section and images 20
Projects section 30
Linked logo to main website 20
Enable gh-pages on your fork 30
Added profile to students 30
Added profile to students 30Enable gh-pages on your fork 30
General tasks 20
Refferal(Akshat Jain Reffered me) 20
Linked project 10
Fixed mobile view 10
Made title appealing 10
Raised Issue 10
Add close button for gitter chat box 10
Alignment of score in mobile view 30
Make webpage responsive 30
Dropdown is not going when chat with us is clicked 20
Raised issue 10
Added blog 30
Separated divs. 30
add student details 30Enable gh-pages on your fork 30
Fixed typo in params.json 10
Added blogpost 30
Added 30 new programs to Cool Practice Programs 60
Personal Page. 10